When we relax...
Relax to Reset
When we relax, we feel calm, more content…
And that feels good.
When we feel more calm, we are open to our intuition, our unique insights…
And that feels good.
When we are open to our intuition and our unique insights, our thinking becomes clear… more and more..
And that feels good.
When our thinking is clear, we are more aware of our options…
And that feels good..
When we are more aware of our options, we make a good choice, good decisions…
And that feels good.
When we feel good about our choice, our decisions, we move with more ease, in good direction, in inspired action…
And that feels good.
When we move with more ease, in inspired action, we get results which serve as evidence of a satisfying, fulfilling life direction…
And that feels good.
When we have more evidence, the belief turns into knowing
that all we need is already within...
and we tap into our own wisdom
And that feels good.
...Continuous expansion...